GO VOTE! Voting is Personal. Voting is America.

After I cast my ballot, I started thinking about voting and how personal of an act it is. Why are we mad at each other about who we vote for? Each one of us brings our own reality when we cast our votes. Instead of insulting one another–maybe we agree to disagree.

We vote the best way we can that affects our lives.

Listening to one another is a start.

Both major parties are close-minded–which makes the electorate close-minded. We are not putting our country first–but putting party first. The only losers are American citizens. But, there is one thing Americans can do and that is vote.

Become a power citizen where you ask what you can do for your country. And the one choice you can make is to vote. The second choice is to be kinder to other people. It’s when we look inside ourselves and not look towards the influence of others that we can make better choices.

Use your voice the best way you can–Vote.

I am a professor, pretend political pundit, media critic, and the author of the upcoming book: Political Rhetoric, Social Media, and American Presidential Campaigns: Candidates' Use of New Media. (December 2020 Lexington Books) Critiquing and monitoring social media/media in the political process is what I do. I live for American Presidential Campaigns.

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