Political Rhetoric: Social Media and American Presidential Campaigns

My editor informed me my book, “Political Rhetoric: Social Media and American Presidential Campaigns,” will go into production in a couple of weeks.

I hope my book helps others understand the persuasive influence of words used by our presidential candidates through the media each candidate uses.

Words matter–because words lead people to action.

Presidential candidates can use the media to build their campaign narrative.

I explore the significance of how all new types of media influenced presidential campaigns throughout history. Then I concentrate on Barack Obama’s campaign use of the blog, Mitt Romney’s use of Twitter, Hillary Clinton’s credibility problems throughout her political media history, and Donald Trump’s Rhetrickery.

I also explore the 2016 campaign narrative–to help you understand how every four years presidential campaigns build a story. And who wins–usually has a more persuasive narrative.

I am a professor, pretend political pundit, media critic, and the author of the upcoming book: Political Rhetoric, Social Media, and American Presidential Campaigns: Candidates' Use of New Media. (December 2020 Lexington Books) Critiquing and monitoring social media/media in the political process is what I do. I live for American Presidential Campaigns.

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